Monday, April 18, 2016

8 Healthy Desserts for Passover

During the Jewish holiday of Passover, foods that contain wheat are eliminated from the diet for eight days. That means no bread, pasta or traditional wheat-based cereals. The only exception is matzo, which is made by combining wheat and water. You can almost think about it as a week of (mostly) gluten-free meals. This can become a problem when dealing with dessert, as cakes, cookies and pies are typically made with wheat flour. Several food companies do make packaged desserts that can be eaten during Passover, but they tend to be high in calories and fat. Here are eight guiltless Passover desserts you can whip up at home.

Shopping for Passover Ingredients

If you are keeping strictly kosher for Passover or making the dish to bring to someone who is, look for the “kosher for Passover” symbol (a circled U-P symbol next to the kosher symbol) on the ingredient packages you purchase.

Chocolate-Coconut Macaroons
This traditional Passover dessert is easy to make using only five ingredients.

Cherry Almond Clusters
You can’t go wrong with a three-ingredient chocolate dessert. Shake things up by using your favorite nut-and-fruit combo, like peanuts and cranberries or cashews and apricots.

Vanilla Poached Pears
Go beyond the traditional Passover fruit salad and bake these mouthwatering poached pears.

Matzo Apple Tea Cakes
Instead of flour, this recipe uses a combo of matzo meal and potato flour to make scrumptious tea cakes.

Matzo Farfel Haystacks
Matzo farfel is small bits of broken matzo that get used for many oven-baked dishes. In this haystack recipe, however, the farfel gets mixed into the chocolate along with nuts, fruit and coconut, and the mixture is refrigerated until each haystack sets.

Chocolate-Covered Matzo
Instead of spending extra dough on purchasing the packaged version, make your own, using leftover matzo.

Lemon Sponge Cake with Glazed Strawberries
A combo of matzo cake meal and ground almonds is used instead of wheat flour in this cake recipe. Your guests will never believe it’s kosher for Passover!

Rainbow Fruit Skewers with Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
Get creative by serving colorful fruit on skewers and dark chocolate-dipped strawberries. Clinical research suggests that eating eight medium strawberries a day may help improve heart health, manage diabetes, support brain health and reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.

Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian and consultant who specializes in food safety and culinary nutrition. She is the author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day.

from Healthy Eats – Food Network Healthy Living Blog

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